The Moralism of the Druids “The bards composed and sung odes; the Uatis attended to the sacrifices and studied nature; while the Druids studied nature and moral philosophy. So confident are the people in the justice of the Druids that they refer all private and public disputes to them; and these men on many occasions have made peace between armies actually drawn up for battle.” - Strabo “Druids make their pronouncements by means of riddles and dark sayings, teaching that the gods must be worshipped, and no evil done, and manly behaviour maintained.” - Diogenes Laertius Druids were an initiatic caste, akin to the vedic Brahmin, passing wisdom from one generation of Druids to the next through the oral tradition. Anyone alive today who claims to be one is beyond arrogant and should be shamed. The priestly class needs to be re-established, but it will be a new tradition largely based on the foundation of knowledge we have inherited. We are perennialists, we revere the sacred traditions, but also innovate further. Through practice and development, we will be inspired by the Druids of the past eras, and aim to get as close as possible, perhaps even achieving Brahmin/Druid tier development when we enter the Golden Age once again. Hail be to the Druids, we will forever remember you, and continue to develop ourselves and our traditions, in your honour.